Wrap Up Week 7 – Division A
Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for by Div A for Week 7 at Campbelltown City Bowl on Saturday 4th March 2023
Corey Anderson 245
Aaron Perrin 241
Les Dorman 235
Kieran Welsh 232
Cristian Mardones 226
Brodie Anderson bowled the High Game of 247 and Les Dorman bowled the High Series of 638
Sam Batten bowled the High Game of 192 and Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Series of 510
Windsor Wildcats 3 bowled the High Team Game of 677 and Wetherill Park Jackals 2 bowled the High Team Series of 1754
Wrap Up Week 7 – Division B
Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled for by Div B for Week 7 at Campbelltown City Bowl on Saturday 4th March 2023
Kieran Gadd 280
Colin Miller 276
Hayden Sharwood 267
Norman Lawrance 266
Hendrika Sharwood 259
Chris Miller bowled the High Game of 296 and Kieran Gadd bowled the High Series of 749
Karen Spinks bowled the High Game of 309 and also bowled the High Series of 794
Hellraisers bowled the High Team Game of 778 and also bowled the High Team Series of 2195