Wrap 34- ID Wrap

Wrap Up Week 34 – Division A

Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for Div A for Week 34 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on the 14th October 2023

Cristian Mardones 278
Phil Richards 257 (A New Personal Best Game Score)
Aaron Perrin 245
Joshua Buttigieg 233
Michael Munro 219


Corey Anderson bowled the High Game of 279 and Aaron Perrin bowled the High Series of 707
Leigh Shephard bowled the High Game of 190 and Tania Small bowled the High Series of 518
Windsor Wildcats 1 bowled the High Team Game of 649 and also bowled the High Team Series of 1870


Wrap Up Week 34 – Division B

Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled by Div B for Week 34 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on the 14th October 2023

Christopher Miller 282
Tristan Woodberry 275
Wayne Miller 268
Lionel Smith 267
Micheal Miller 262

Colin Miller bowled the High Game of 314 and also bowled the High Series of 818
Kerry Woodberry bowled the High Game of 263 and Megan Mills bowled the High Series of 740
Mizfits bowled the High Team Game of 747 and Dilligaf Eshays 2 bowled the High Team Series of 2092