Wrap 31-ID WRap

Wrap Up Week 31 – Division A

Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for Div A for Week 31 at Gosford City Tenpin Bowl on the 2nd September 2023

Robert Sexton 246
Michael Munro 246
Tim Munro 231
Corey Anderson 228
Anthony Dallas 227
Aaron Perrin 226

Brodie Anderson bowled the High Game of 257 and also bowled the High Series of 701
Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Game of 214 and also bowled the High Series of 556
Wetherill Park Jackals 2 bowled the High Team Game of 659 and Hawkesbury bowled the High Team Series of 1819


Wrap Up Week 31 – Division B

Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled by Div B for Week 31 at IPlay Lidcombe on the 2nd September 2023

Jenny Williams 264
David Cook 259
Micheal Miller 258
Paul Woodberry 250
Melissa Miller 250
Saskia Tierney 249
Robyn Eggins 249

Christopher Miller bowled the High Game of 263 and Micheal Miller bowled the High Series of 756
Kayla Miller bowled the High Game of 284 and Jenny Williams bowled the High Series of 748
Happy Hookers 1 bowled the High Team Game of 720 and Happy Hookers 2 bowled the High Team Series of 2060