Week 30- ID Wrap

Wrap Up Week 30 – Division A

Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for by Div A at Zone Bowling, West HQ Rooty Hill on Saturday 3rd September 2022

Tim Munro 244
Denley Richards 235
Hugo Ferguson 234
Kristain Asquith 226
Peter Franks 220


Anthony Evans bowled the High Game of 257 and Hugo Ferguson bowled the High Series of 664
Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Game of 183 and also bowled the High Series of 506
Campbelltown Warriors bowled the High Team Game of 641 and Hawkesbury bowled the High Team Series of 1831

Wrap Up Week 30 – Division B

Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled for by Div B at Zone Bowling, West HQ Rooty Hill on Saturday 3rd September 2022

Hendrika Sharwood 267
Micheal Miller 266
Chris Miller 263
Anthony Crane 262
Loretta Abrahams 259
Jayden Mills 259

Rod Weston bowled the High Game of 325 and also bowled the High Series of 773
Karen Spinks bowled the High Game of 265 and also bowled the High Series of 723
Tenpin City Posse bowled the High Team Game of 749 and Pin Pluckers bowled the High Team Series of 2074