Wrap Up Week 22 – Division A
Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for by Div A at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 9th July 2022
Anthony Evans 241
Murray Webb 236
Hugo Ferguson 226
James Franks 221
Mick Munro 215
Alan Shephard bowled the High Game of 265 and also bowled the High Series of 716
Nola Downie bowled the High Game of 182 and also bowled the High Series of 498
Rooty Hill Assassins bowled the High Team Game of 668 and also bowled the High Team Series of 1818
Nola Downie bowled the High Game of 182 and also bowled the High Series of 498
Rooty Hill Assassins bowled the High Team Game of 668 and also bowled the High Team Series of 1818
Wrap Up Week 22 – Division B
Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled for by Div B at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 9th July 2022
Micheal Miller 273
Geoff Davis 269
Colin Greatrex 266
Lorraine Hazelwood 265
David Cook 265
Anthony Crane 265
Rod Weston 259
Geoff Davis 269
Colin Greatrex 266
Lorraine Hazelwood 265
David Cook 265
Anthony Crane 265
Rod Weston 259
Dyllan Montford bowled the High Game of 277 and Anthnoy Crane bowled the High Series of 755
Megan Mills bowled the High Game of 273 and Hendrika Sharwood bowled the High Series of 690
Happy Hookers 1 bowled the High Team Game of 775 and Up Your Alley 2 bowled the High Team Series of 2101
Megan Mills bowled the High Game of 273 and Hendrika Sharwood bowled the High Series of 690
Happy Hookers 1 bowled the High Team Game of 775 and Up Your Alley 2 bowled the High Team Series of 2101