Further to our communication around the return of InterDistrict on 11th July at Wetherill Park please find the following information for all bowlers around how we will be proceeding in the foreseeable future and the measures we are taking to follow Government COVID restrictions and TBA guidelines to keep us all safe.
For NSW from 1st July 2020, competition/league bowling can commence again, as long as 1 person to 4 square metre rule is followed at all times.
Link so the NSW government Covid-19 information:
As well as the rules laid down by the NSW Government, there are TBA guidelines and other restrictions which we will also be implementing to keep us all safe. Below are some questions you may have:
Q: So what does that mean for ID – Can a 5 person team competition compete with the current COVID social distance restrictions?
A: Yes. The TBA are waiving Rule 322 (until 30th September 2020) is that a game can be played on a single lane, without the need to alternate and game can also be played on a pair of lanes for one team of 4 or 5 persons (one team per pair).
We will be doing the following:
Bowler 1, 2 & 3 of team 5 bowl on lane 1, Bowler 1, 2 & 3 of team 9 bowl on lane 2 and Bowler 4 & 5 of team 5 bowl on lane 3, Bowler 4 & 5 of team 9 bowl on lane 4. Social distancing is still to be maintained.
The TBA acknowledge that there a lot of different ways to schedule matches and with the current restriction and have no issues with the above especially seeing in InterDistrict you are playing for head to head points. Teams must wait for both pairs to finish their game before commencing the next game.
Q: What about children, non-bowlers or spectators attending?
A: No spectators are permitted unless they are the children/partners of bowlers who live in the same household. All children must stay by the lanes where their parent/guardian is bowling and not move around the centre. Any non-bowlers attending can be refused entry by the centre management and children running around the centre will not be tolerated and may be subject to expulsion by the centre management.
Q: What time can I turn up to bowling?
A: As we are returning into 2 sessions you should only be arriving before your scheduled start time. There should be no access to the centre until 10:30 am for the 1st session and 1:30pm for the 2nd on the day of play and all attendees will need to comply with the centre’s COVID directions, including signing in with full contact details.
Other Important Information:
- July 11th will be week 8, points and standings continue from where we left off. New schedules and lane draws will be issued on the day (centre schedule is posted on the last page of this document).
- No high fives, handshakes or team huddles are to be allowed at any time until restrictions are lifted. Elbow bumps are acceptable. We ask that all bowlers respect the wishes of others in relation to what contact they are comfortable with and around their personal space.
- Fund Raising – Lucky numbers will continue as they are pre-paid with the days bowling money. Nifty 50 will return in the following format. It will be set up at a separate table to allow for distancing with a box to place the money in as well as a box full of tickets. Hand sanitiser will be provided for bowlers to sanitise before selecting a ticket. Teams will be requested to come up in an orderly fashion to purchase if wanted.
- Prize Funds – Prize Funds will be issued by the end of July with the updated figures (based on 27 weeks of ID). Placings will be paid from 1st to last place – High game & Series will all be paid but no other special awards. The figures will be reduced in line with the reduction of funds. This will apply to both scratch and handicap divisions. Prize money will be paid out 100% of what has been accrued for the 2020 year
- ID Presentation will not go ahead in its traditional format. We are working on an alternative arrangement and will advise once this is finalised (subject to regulations around social distancing).
- Deferred matches are as per the current playing rules, but as always will be reviewed on a case by case basis depending on the circumstances by the InterDistrict Chairperson.
- Bowlers who work on Saturday’s and may not be able to make the earlier session – These are unprecedented times and we understand that a number of changes have been made to allow us to return and that they may not fit with everyone’s schedules. Where possible you should bowl at your scheduled time with your team, but if this is not possible we will look to allow individuals to bowl at the alternate time and their scores to count towards the match. This arrangement must be confirmed with the secretary in writing the week prior to the scheduled change and must be bowled on the day the match is scheduled at the alternate time for it to count. This will be reviewed by the ID Chairperson.
- Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated especially in the current climate and we must follow the directives of centre staff as they are the business who must adhere to the strict distancing/number guidelines. Anyone found to be in breach of this will be asked to leave immediately and subsequently dealt with by the ID Committee.
These restrictions are part of the terms and conditions of the tournament to enable us to restart the 2020 competition and complete the season. Whilst they may not seem fair they are the only way for us to restart the competition this year. If the restrictions are modified, or the guidelines change, we will work with the TBA to implement any changes, but we must comply with the restrictions or we risk the centres being closed down, and our competition being cancelled.
We understand that this is all a unique situation and the safety of our bowlers is our first and utmost priority and we are doing what we can to ensure this, whilst trying to continue on with our competition. We are under no illusions that compromises have needed to be made to achieve this. While some people may not feel that the solution is ideal or the fairest, we must work with what we have (in relation to restrictions and guidelines) and we will continually review and adjust as changes are advised.
We have tried to cover all the common questions bowlers may have, but if anyone has any further queries or questions you can filter these through the Tenpin Sydney Facebook page or contact either Brian or myself to discuss.
Adam Gillett
President – Tenpin Sydney
0438 408 601
Brian Hird
ID Chairperson – Tenpin Sydney
0418 267 710