ID Round 37 – High Scores

Division A

Here are the great games bowled by Div A at Bowlarama Wetherill Park on Saturday the 10th November 2018

Tania Small 188

Hugo Ferguson 225

Matthew Small 225

Murray Webb 214

Curtis Stuart 196

Wayne Beesley 210

J P Li 207

Bronwyn Kelly 215

Mick Munro 200

James Franks 201

Tim Munro 258

Zach Olsen 235

Tamika Spooner 237

Scott Herben 236

Anthony Evans 235

Mark Dall’Acqua 244

Chris Butler 243

John Ford 203

Jim McLaughlan 223

David Frost 238

Andrew Lloyd 247

Shaun Cummings 234

Alex Ponomarev 206

Ray Anderson 191

James Wolf 256

Stephen Reynolds 232

Anthony Crane 259

Sindy Searle 233 – Congratulations to Sindy for bowling her new Personal Best 

Sarah Heath 225

Adam Gillett 258

Alan Shephard 220

Isaac Creswell 247

Anthony Dallas 214

Aaron Perrin bowled the High Game 261 and also bowled the high series of a 763

Sandi Mahoni & Chelsey Gillett both bowled the high game 257 and Chelsey Gillett bowled the high Series of 693

Rooty Hill Assassins bowled the team high game 1122 and also bowled the team High Series of 3180

Division B

Here are the great games bowled by Div B at Zone Bowling, West HQ Rooty Hill on Saturday the 3rd November 2018

Loretta Abrahams 169

Michael Ruming 199

John Clarke 236

Tony Elvy 257

Joshua Buttigieg 226

Tanya Buttigieg 211

Wendy Andrews 181

Ray Munro 178

Jayden Mills 210

Vatu Butow 209

Rod Weston 235

Leon Keith 245

Erin Smithers 188

Paul Woodberry 199

Darrell Connelly 168

Tristan Woodberry 168

Kevin Fox 205

John Herman 225

Kieran Gadd 157

John Fox 177

Melissa Miller 133

Ross Smith 223

Lachlan Gurney 215

Jenny Williams 183

Judy West 189

Karen Crane 185

Mason Crane 179

Crystal-Lee Franks 137

Jackson Crane 170


Ben Matchett bowled the high game of 259 and John Clarke bowled the high series of 671

Linda Buoro bowled the high game with 214 and also bowled the high series 565

Campbelltown City bowled the high team game 1057 and Tenpin City Posse bowled the high Series of 2822


Aaron Clarke bowled the high game of 259 and also bowled the high series of 625

Lorraine Hazelwood bowled the high game 190 and Wendy Andrews bowled the Series of 524

Windsor Wildfire bowled the high team game 868 and Fifty Shades of Awesome bowled the high series of 2452

Also a congratulations to Jenny Williams for bowling her New Personal Best Series today of 499


Leigh Shephard