Here are the great games bowled by Div A at Campbelltown City Bowl on the 14th April 2018
Division A
Brian Hird 176
Ron Thurston 189
Mick Munro 204
Brodie Anderson 197
James Franks 190
Tamika Spooner 200
Scott Herben 225
Anthony Evans 212
Mark Dall’Acqua 231
Chris Butler 223
John Ford 182
Ross Whiley 197
Geoff Davis 198
Alex Ponomarev 220
Hendrika Sharwood 199
James Wolf 205
Stephen Reynolds 224
Anthony Crane 242
Paul Delany 235
Cameron Phillips 232
Adam Gillett 215
Alan Shephard 210
Isaac Creswell 228
Anthony Dallas 201
Peter Franks 204
Zach Olson Bowled the High Game 258 and also bowled the high series 751.
Sarah Heath bowled the high game 278 and also bowled the high series 691
Campbelltown Gladiators bowled the high game 1046 and the high series 2964.
Division B
Congratulations to Josh Mardel who bowled his highest game 289 which is his Personal Best game. Well Done
Here are the great games bowled by Div A at Campbelltown City Bowl on the 14th April 2018
Paul Woodberry 189
Calvin Thompson 174
Darrell Connelly 157
Tristan Woodberry 167
Loretta Abrahams 164
Daniel Abrahams 234
Saskia Tierney 179
John Clarke 224
Laurie Milani 201
Valentino Antunovich 235
Tony Elvy 211
Jeffrey Buttigieg 223
Leanne Herman 144
John Herman 159
Ricky Miller 140
Hayden Sharwood 190
Julie Andrews 167
Wendy Andrews 165
Megan Mills 179
Jennie Barker 161
Ray Munro 199
Vatu Butow 171
Ray Roy 214
Ross Smith 168
Lachlan Gurney 205
Jenny Williams 153
Cheryl Moore 150
Alan Hicks 200
Neville Robinson 198
Karen Crane 156
Jacinda Wood 170
Josh Mardel bowled the high game of 289 and also the high series 641
Tanya Buttigieg bowled the high game 191 with Tanya Buttigieg & Megan Mills bowling the high series 516
Campbelltown City bowled the high team game 1061 and the high series 2825
Aaron Clarke bowled the high game 210 and the high series 591
Lorraine Hazelwood bowled the high game 203 and the high series 519
Tenpin Marvels bowled the high team game 886 and also the high series 2563
See you next week
Leigh Shephard