Wrap 07- ID Wrap 2025

Wrap Up Week 7 – Division A

Here are the top scores and also the next 3 Highest games bowled for
male and female bowlers for Div A for Week 7 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on
the 8th March 2025.

Jayden Mills bowled the High Game of 267 and also bowled the High Series of 652
Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Game of 227 and also bowled the High Series of 573


Shellharbour Shocks 1 bowled the High Team Game of 693 and also bowled
the High Team Series of 1906

Chris Miller 243
Bob Shaw 240
Alan Shephard 238

Chelsey Gillett 204
Lana Kisur 185
Tania Small 172

Round 8 at Iplay, Tenpin City Bowl Lidcombe – 11.30am

Bowlarama Bobcats 1 V Gosford Tornados 3
Western Districts 2 V Gosford Tornados 1
Central Coast Assassins V Bowlarama Bobcats 2
Windsor Wonders V Shellharbour Shocks 2
Hawkesbury V Gosford Tornados 2
Bye V Campbelltown Warriors
Western Districts 1 V Shellharbour Shocks 1



Wrap Up Week 7 – Division B

Here are the top scores and also the next 3 Highest HCP games bowled
for male and female bowlers for Div B for Week 7 at Bowlarama,
Wetherill Park on the 8th March 2025.

Dyllan Montford bowled the High Game of 301 and Colin Miller bowled
the High Series of 760
Harriette Konta bowled the High Game of 271 and also bowled the High
Series of 753
Dilligafs 2 bowled the High Team Game of 761 and Dilligafs 1 also
bowled the High Team Series of 2133

Hayden Sharwood 296
Colin Miller 286
Daniel Abrahams 275

Leanne Herman 267
Loretta Abrahams 254
Saskia Tierney 249
Cheryl Moore 249

Round 8 at Iplay, Tenpin City Bowl Lidcombe – 2pm

Liverpool Lions V Happy Hookers 2
T/C Pocket Pounders 2 V T/C Pocket Pounders 1
Tenpin City Posse V Lidcombe Larrikins
Dilligafs 1 V Mizfits
Happy Hookers 1 V Dilligafs 2