Wrap 16- ID Wrap 2024

Wrap Up Week 16 – Division A

Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for Div A for Week 16 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on the 18th May 2024.

Anthony Evans 265
Cory Perrin 257
Anthony Dallas 253
Shane Brown 244
Michael Munro 236


Aaron Perrin bowled the High Game of 279 and Anthony Evans bowled the High Series of 694
Abigail Keith-Wheatley bowled the High Game of 205and Lisa Thompson & Samantha Batten bowled the High Series of 460

Windsor Wildcats 2 bowled the High Team Game of 681 and Central Coast Assassins bowled the High Team Series of 1853

Special Mention to Lisa Thompson for bowling the following – 144, 157 & 159 = 460 for her first 2 points for season 2024. Well done and great bowling.


Wrap Up Week 16 – Division B

Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled by Div B for Week 16 at Bowlarama, Wetherill Park Bowl on the 18th May 2024.

Christopher Miller 278
Lionel Smith 278
Raymond Roy 269
Daniel Abrahams 266
Tristan Woodberry 264
David Cook 263

Dyllan Montford-Sinclair & Geoff Davis bowled the High Game of 282 and Dyllan Montford-Sinclair bowled the High Series of 806
Saskia Tierney bowled the High Game of 249 and also bowled the High Series of 725
Happy Hookers 2 bowled the High Team Game of 776 and Also bowled the High Team Series of 2154