Division A
Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for Div A for Week 28 at Bowlarama, Wetherill Park on the 12th August 2023
James Franks 266 Tim Munro 249
Corey Anderson 257 Alan Shephard 247
Kristain Asquith 253 Michael Munro 247
Anthony Dallas 253
Joshua Buttigieg bowled the High Game of 279 and also bowled the High Series of 786
Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Game of 204 and also bowled the High Series of 658
Hawkesbury bowled the High Team Game of 694 and also bowled the High Team Series of 2009
Division B
Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled by Div B for Week 28 at Bowlarama, Wetherill Park on the 12th August 2023
Micheal Miller 275
Norman Lawrance 272
Hayden Sharwood 268
Ray Anderson 264
Maree Herman 260
Colin Miller bowled the High Game of 280 and Micheal Miller bowled the High Series of 770
Linda Buoro bowled the High Game of 276 and also bowled the High Series of 760
Liverpool Lions 2 bowled the High Team Game of 731 and Dilligaf Eshays 1 bowled the High Team Series of 2094