Wrap 27- ID Wrap

Wrap Up Week 27 – Division A

Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for Div A for Week 27 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on the 5th August 2023

Cory Perrin 248
Matthew Small 247
Alan Shephard 243
Kristain Asquith 236
Joshua Buttigieg 235


Brodie Anderson bowled the High Game of 259 and Matt Small bowled the High Series of 684
Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Game of 213 and also bowled the High Series of 586
Wetherill Park Jackals 2 bowled the High Team Game of 659 and Central Coast Assassins bowled the High Team Series of 1878

Wrap Up Week 27 – Division B

Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled by Div B for Week 27 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on the 5th August 2023

Norman Lawrance 278
Ray Anderson 278
David Cook 267
Lionel Smith 264
Nick Gowen 263
Cheryl Moore 260

Christopher Miller bowled the High Game of 297 and also bowled the High Series of 782
Jennie Barker bowled the High Game of 262 and Cheryl Moore bowled the High Series of 690
Up Your Alley 2 bowled the High Team Game of 755 and also bowled the High Team Series of 2093