Wrap 20-ID Wrap

Wrap Up Week 20 – Division A

Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for Div A for Week 20 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 17th June 2023

Joshua Buttigieg 246
James Franks 235
Corey Anderson 228
Peter Franks 226
Kristain Asquith 216


Tim Munro bowled the High Game of 268 and Cory Anderson bowled the High Series of 679
Samantha Batten bowled the High Game of 210 and Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Series of 566
Hawkesbury bowled the High Team Game of 653 and also bowled the High Team Series of 1798


Wrap Up Week 20 – Division B

Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled by Div B for Week 20 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 17th June 2023

Megan Mills 268
Hayden Sharwood 268
Lachlan Atkinson 267
Lionel Smith 258
Karen Crane 257
Harriette Konta 253

Paul Woodberry bowled the High Game of 272 and also bowled the High Series of 762
Cheryl Moore bowled the High Game of 278 and Megan Mills bowled the High Series of 744
Mizfits bowled the High Team Game of 767 and also bowled the High Team Series of 2111