Wrap Up Week 11 – Division A
Here are the great games bowled by Div A at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 1st August 2020.
Highest Game Over Average:
Kristain Asquith 256
Anton Evans 247
Mark Dall’Acqua 254
Alan Shephard 247
Peter Franks 224
Ron Thurston 217
Scott Herben 213
John Nichols 215
Leon Keith bowled the High Game of 259 and Kristain Asquith bowled the High Series of 722
Chelsey Gillett bowled the High Game of 233 and also bowled the High Series of 611
Rooty Hill Assassins bowled the High Team Game of 1063 and also bowled the High Team Series of 3036
Just a quick thank you to the Roving Reserves that filled in. Here are their Highest Games over there averages:
Andy Magill 215
Hugo Ferguson 235
Brad Stirling 210
Wrap Up Week 11 – Division B – Scratch
Here are the great games bowled by Div B – Scratch at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 1st August 2020.
Highest Game Over Average:
Kieran Welsh 170
Lachlan Gurney 213
Jennie Barker 171
Wendy Andrews 193
Paul Woodberry 202
Lorraine Hazelwood 185
Julie Andrews 174
Matt Cunningham 184
Josh Mardel bowled the High Game of 268 and also bowled the High Series of 704
Jessica Stirling bowled the High Game of 239 and also bowled the High Series of 632
Windsor Wombats bowled the High Team Game of 1013 and also bowled the High Team Series of 2937
Just a quick thank you to the Roving Reserves that filled in. Here are their Highest Games over there averages:
Andy Magill 215
Hugo Ferguson 235
Brad Stirling 210
Wrap Up Week 11 – Division B – Handicap
Here are the great games bowled by Div B – Handicap at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 1st August 2020.
Josh Mardel bowled the High Game of 288 and also bowled the High Series of 763
Jessica Stirling bowled the High Game of 278 and also bowled the High Series of 749
Windsor Wombats bowled the High Team Game of 1187 and also bowled the High Team Series of 3469
Leigh Shephard