Important COVID-19 announcement Re: Return to Bowling

Information to All Bowlers on the recommencement of InterDistrict


As you are all now aware bowling centres have reopened and from the 1st of July leagues will be able to recommence. So what does that mean for ID? My last update advised that we were awaiting instructions from the TBA around how and when we could recommence. I am pleased to announce that we have been able to come up with a solution that will allow us to return whilst maintaining social distancing that has been approved by the TBA and supported by the centres. To allow for this to happen we have needed to make some adjustments to how we conduct ID but in the future this may get back to more of what we are used to – we will review and make adjustments as the need arises.

I would like to confirm that ID will return from 11th of July at Bowlarama Wetherill Park. As I said we have needed to make some adjustments to allow us to return and that has meant that we have had to split the divisions into two sessions to meet the strict guidelines.

So for the 11th:

– Division A will be scheduled to bowl at 11am. We ask that bowlers do not enter the centre before 10:15am.

– Division B will be scheduled to bowl at 2pm. We ask that bowlers do not enter the centre before 1:30pm to ensure that all Div A bowlers have left the centre and so centre staff have adequate time to clean and sanitise.

We are now working through a detailed set of guidelines (with input from the centres), revised draws and schedules and FAQ’s and will communicate this information to all teams on the first day back.

If anyone has any queries questions or concerns may I ask that you refer these to either Brian or myself.

We thank you for your patience and understanding and can’t wait to see you all on the 11th of July for the return of the 2020 InterDistrict season.