2019 Ted Simmons Award – Nomination Form








Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the 2018 InterDistrict Presentation Dinner the Board of Tenpin Sydney was pleased to initiate a new award for Tenpin Sydney –

“The Ted Simmons Award for Excellence in the sport of Tenpin Bowling.”

This is to be an annual award recognising exceptional performance and significant contribution by an individual in the sport of tenpin bowling.

Open to all current TBA members who are affiliated with Tenpin Sydney through their participation in InterDistrict or East Coast Challenge Cup who have satisfied the following criteria. (Please see criteria on the reverse page).

If you would like to nominate either a bowler or volunteer then please fill in the nomination form below with a few short words as to why you feel they are entitled to be the winner.

Nominations must be received by September 21st, 2019. The Executive of Tenpin Sydney will open all nominations and produce a short list of candidates.

On October 12th, 2019 the short list will be issued to all eligible members for their vote. Voting will close November 16th, 2019 – the winner will be announced at the InterDistrict Presentation Dinner on December 7th. 2019 at St. Mary’s Band Club.

The Nomination form is attached to this post.

Thank you