2019 – Round 16 – ID High Scores










Hi Bowlers

Hope you’re well, All the week 16 results have been uploaded to the 2019 downloads page. 

Here are the great games bowled at Bowlarama, Wetherill Park on Saturday the 25th May 2019  

Division A

Highest Game Over Average: 

Alex Ponomarev 247

Ken Armstrong 221

Jim McLaughlan 238

Peter Franks 226

Hugo Ferguson 234

Isaac Cresswell 232

David Frost 226

Aaron Perrin 228

Andrew Parker 233

Ricky Scotti 220

James Franks 207

John Ford 210

Murray Webb 203

Kathy Luxford 204

Ron Thurston 210

Tania Small 178

Wayne Beesley 200

Dyllan Montford-Sinclair 183

Mick Munro 204

Shane Mahoni bowled the High Game of 257 and also bowled a the High Series of 727

Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Game of 256 and also bowled the High Series of 657 

Windsor Wolverines bowled the High Team Game of 1060 and Windsor Wombats bowled the High Team Series of 2975


Division B

Highest Game Over Average:

Jayden Mills 236

Jackson Crane 226

John Herman 206

John Clarke 246

Aaron Clarke 225

Lachlan Gurney 209

Daniel Abrahams 223

Wendy Andrews 194

Leith Ferguson 158

Paul Woodberry 194

Jennie Barker 180

Tristan Woodberry 178

Cassandra Atkinson 182

Robert Herman 190

Karl Rogers 165

Paul Hudson 192

Lorraine Hazelwood 192

Kieran Welsh 122

Calvin Thompson 186

Nola Downie 178

Darrell Connelly 159

Kristain Asquith bowled the High Game of 267 and also bowled the High Series of 643

Julie Andrews bowled the High Game of 208 and Wendy Andrews bowled the High Series of 515

Windsor Wombats bowled the High Team Game of 989 and Rooty Hill Sharp Shooters bowled the High Team Series of 2572

Just a quick thank you to the Roving Reserves that filled in today. Here are there Highest Games over there averages:

Dwayne Lawrence 257

Les Dorman 205

Shane McPherson 248


Leigh Shephard