Wrap Up Week 15 – Division A
Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for by Div A at Tenpin City, Lidcombe on Saturday 15th May 2021
Hugo Ferguson 245
Kristain Asquith 245
Mick Munro 240
Anthony Evans 215
Wayne Beesley 199
Les Dorman 196
Kristain Asquith 245
Mick Munro 240
Anthony Evans 215
Wayne Beesley 199
Les Dorman 196
Peter Franks bowled the High Game of 246 and also bowled the High Series of 632
Tania Small bowled the High Game of 197 and Sam Batten bowled the High Series of 515
Windsor Wildcats 1 bowled the High Team Game of 615 and also bowled the High Team Series of 1714Round 16 at Campbelltown City Tenpin Bowl
Windsor Wildcats 1 VS Rooty Hill Assassins
Hawkesbury VS Western Districts 1
Campbelltown Warriors VS Windsor Wildcats 2
Western Districts 2 VS Bye
Tania Small bowled the High Game of 197 and Sam Batten bowled the High Series of 515
Windsor Wildcats 1 bowled the High Team Game of 615 and also bowled the High Team Series of 1714Round 16 at Campbelltown City Tenpin Bowl
Windsor Wildcats 1 VS Rooty Hill Assassins
Hawkesbury VS Western Districts 1
Campbelltown Warriors VS Windsor Wildcats 2
Western Districts 2 VS Bye
Wrap Up Week 15 – Division B
Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled for by Div B at Tenpin City, Lidcombe on Saturday 15th May 2021
Geoff Davis 258
Kieran Walsh 250
Ray Roy 246
Jayden Mills 238
Karen Crane 236
Kieran Walsh 250
Ray Roy 246
Jayden Mills 238
Karen Crane 236
Ray Anderson bowled the High Game of 275 and Kieran Walsh bowled the High Series of 689
Wendy Andrews bowled the High Game of 250 and Linda Buoro bowled the High Series of 690
Happy Hookers 1 bowled the High Team Game of 692 and Tenpin City Posse bowled the High Team Series of 1977Round 16 at Campbelltown City Tenpin Bowl
The Happy Hookers 1 VS Up Your Alley 1
Tenpin City Enforcers 2 VS Looney Pins
Bowlarama Eshays VS Up Your Alley 2
Pin Pluckers 1 VS Liverpool Lions 1
Tenpin City Posse VS Strike Zone
Tenpin City Enforcers 1 VS Pin Pluckers 2
Liverpool Lions 2 VS The Happy Hookers 2
Wendy Andrews bowled the High Game of 250 and Linda Buoro bowled the High Series of 690
Happy Hookers 1 bowled the High Team Game of 692 and Tenpin City Posse bowled the High Team Series of 1977Round 16 at Campbelltown City Tenpin Bowl
The Happy Hookers 1 VS Up Your Alley 1
Tenpin City Enforcers 2 VS Looney Pins
Bowlarama Eshays VS Up Your Alley 2
Pin Pluckers 1 VS Liverpool Lions 1
Tenpin City Posse VS Strike Zone
Tenpin City Enforcers 1 VS Pin Pluckers 2
Liverpool Lions 2 VS The Happy Hookers 2