Wrap Up Week 12 – Division A
Here are the 5 Highest games bowled for by Div A at Bowlarama Wetherill Park on Saturday 24th April 2021
Anthony Evans 256
Hugo Ferguson 244
Mick Munro 236
Alan Shephard 219
Brian Whaites 214
Hugo Ferguson 244
Mick Munro 236
Alan Shephard 219
Brian Whaites 214
James Franks & Kristain Asquith bowled the High Game of 258 and Kristain Asquith bowled the High Series of 718
Nola Downie bowled the High Game of 218 and Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Series of 578
Windsor Wildcats 1 bowled the High Team Game of 690 and Rooty Hill Assassins bowled the High Team Series of 1903
Nola Downie bowled the High Game of 218 and Bronwyn Kelly bowled the High Series of 578
Windsor Wildcats 1 bowled the High Team Game of 690 and Rooty Hill Assassins bowled the High Team Series of 1903
Round 13 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl
Windsor Wildcats 2 VS Western Districts 2
Windsor Wildcats 1 VS Western Districts 1
Rooty Hill Assassins VS Hawkesbury
Bye VS Campbelltown Warriors
Wrap Up Week 12 – Division B
Here are the 5 Highest HCP games bowled for by Div B at Bowlarama Wetherill Park on Saturday 24th April 2021
Jayden Mills 273
Kieran Gadd 269
David Cook 262
Chris Blackwell 260
John Herman 257
Kieran Gadd 269
David Cook 262
Chris Blackwell 260
John Herman 257
Michael Miller bowled the High Game of 275 and also bowled the High Series of 800
Loretta Abrahams bowled the High Game of 256 and also bowled the High Series of 741
Up Your Alley 2 bowled the High Team Game of 740 and Happy Hookers 1 bowled the High Team Series of 2082
Loretta Abrahams bowled the High Game of 256 and also bowled the High Series of 741
Up Your Alley 2 bowled the High Team Game of 740 and Happy Hookers 1 bowled the High Team Series of 2082
Round 13 at Windsor Tenpin Bowl
Up Your Alley 1 VS Up Your Alley 2
Tenpin City Posse VS Tenpin City Enforcers 2
Looney Pins VS Tenpin City Enforcers 1
Liverpool Lions 2 VS The Happy Hookers 1
Strike Zone VS The Happy Hookers 2
Pin Pluckers 1 VS Bowlarama Eshays
Pin Pluckers 2 VS Liverpool Lions 1