Wrap Up Week 15 – Division A
Here are the great games bowled by Div A at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 17th October 2020.
Highest Game Over Average:
James Franks 279
Scott Herben 258
Ron Thurston 243
Tim Munro 246
Mick Munro 238
Aaron Perrin 236
Andrew Lloyd 247
Leon Keith 222
Wayne Beesley 198
James Franks bowled the High Game of 279 and John Ford bowled the High Series of 689
Browyn Kelly bowled the High Game of 200 and also bowled the High Series of 564
Windsor Wombats bowled the High Team Game of 1068 and also bowled the High Team Series of 2975
Just a quick thank you to the Roving Reserves that filled in. Here are their Highest Games over there averages:
John Clarke 197
Wrap Up Week 15 – Division B – Scratch
Here are the great games bowled by Div B – Scratch at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 17th October 2020.
Highest Game Over Average:
Kieran Welsh 191
Nola Downie 209
Lachlan Gurney 207
Neville Robinson 209
Joshua Mardel 213
Patsy Gelding 178
Linda Buoro 184
Ray Munro 192
Julie Andrews 174
Kerry Woodberry 148
Ray Roy bowled the High Game of 241 and also bowled the High Series of 600
Megan Mills bowled the High Game of 221 and also bowled the High Series of 550
Windsor Wombats bowled the High Team Game of 938 and also bowled the High Team Series of 2725
Just a quick thank you to the Roving Reserves that filled in. Here are their Highest Games over there averages:
Judy West 184
Jayden Mills 184
Hugo Ferguson 215
Wrap Up Week 15 – Division B – Handicap
Here are the great games bowled by Div B – Handicap at Windsor Tenpin Bowl on Saturday 17th October 2020.
Ray Roy bowled the High Game of 276 and Kieran Welsh bowled the High Series of 720
Megan Mills bowled the High Game of 274 and also bowled the High Series of 709
Tenpin City Posse bowled the High Team Game of 1161 and also bowled the High Team Series of 3241
Leigh Shephard